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This page is dedicated to a collection of necessary skills for counseling and tools for dealing with the anxieties that one may face.

Peer Tools


Breathing Techniques

There is box breathing for stressful situations you are currently in, and relaxation breathing is to calm down and prepare for a stressful situation. To do box breathing, breathe in through the nose for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, breathe out through the mouth for 4 seconds, and repeat. For relaxation breathing, you breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, and breathe out through the mouth for 4 seconds.


Using affirmations will help you believe in yourself and can be used for yourself or can participate to include other people. To do an affirmation for yourself, you will say "I am ..." or "I will" and follow that with whatever you wish to affirm for yourself, other people can participate by responding with "yes you are" or "yes you will."

Power Pose

By utilizing power pose, it will give you a confidence boost due to your brain's association of this pose to confidence, it is best preformed in a private area like a bathroom before going into a stressful situation like a presentation or counseling session.

Boundaries and Consequences

Establishing boundaries with friends and loved ones is an important thing to do, by setting boundaries you ensure that you are protecting your mental health and physical safety. Ensuring your respect for boundaries will increase your respect for yourself internally and these boundaries will influence your actions. Having consequences for those who break your boundaries is important as people who break your boundaries with no repercussions will likely do it again. 

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